Headley Down Airport taxi Taxi
Your taxi from Headley Down to and from Stansted Airport is about 73 miles and takes roughly 1 hour and 45 minutes. It is priced at £210, plus any drop-off/collection charges. Please allow for an extra 30 minutes during peak traffic times. NB. To be dropped/collected directly outside the terminal is £7
A taxi from Headley Down to Luton airport costs £175 for the 71-mile trip via the A3, M25, and M1. You have the option of avoiding the worst of the M25 by going across to the M3. Allow for 1 hour and 30 minutes at optimal traffic times, whilst adding a good 30 minutes for rush hours
From Headley Down to Heathrow airport by taxi can take as little as 43 minutes, but we would advise allowing 55 during the day and 1 hour and 20 minutes during rush hours. It is about 38 miles via the A3 and M25 and 36 via the M3 and M25. We charge £90 to T5 and £95 to other terminals, plus the new £5 drop-off /collection charge
Definitely the most difficult airport to get to from Headley Down via taxi! It is 83 miles using the A3 and M25 eastwards, for which we charge £199. If this route is jammed we can drive directly through London, which incurs the £15 Congestion Charge and is stop-start driving. However, it is the easiest airport to drop off and collect from.
From Headley Down to London Gatwick airport via the A3, M25, and M23 is 51 miles and takes about one hour and 5 minutes. We charge £2 per mile, well under the meter rate, so the fare is £102 plus the £5 airport drop off and pick up charge.
If the main route is blocked or very congested the option is to go across country via Godalming, Cranleigh, Rudgwick, and Horsham- this route takes 1 hour and 20 minutes and is priced as above
There are 3 routes from Headley Down to Southampton Airport, the longest, but quickest, being down the A3 and M27 at 49 miles and 54 minutes. The direct route across country is 41 miles and 1 hour and 9 minutes. The new fare is £110 for any route.
From Headley Down to Bournemouth Airport is 76 miles, taking 1 hour and 30 minutes, using the A3, M27, and A31. It is priced at £175 plus any drop-off/collection charges.
Your taxi from Headley Down to and from Stansted, Luton, Heathrow, Gatwick, London City, Southampton, or Bournemouth airport is guaranteed to be punctual, clean, and safe. Our fully licensed, friendly, local drivers offer saloon, estate, MPV, and minibus options.
NB! The rates shown are for 1 to 4 passengers between 0600 and 2300 in a saloon or estate car, on non-Public Holidays- for other requirements please call on 01428 787222